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Monday, 31 January 2011

Kitsch and Quirky

I have to be honest, there is something about Kitsch and Quirky that I find hard to resist. I've been having fun this afternoon sat here in Balham, drinking a cup of delicious Waitrose Dark Chocolate drink, browsing through ArtFire looking for some of the more unusual items people have made and wonderful vintage originals. ArtFire certainly didn't disappoint.

I've put together a joyful collection of some of my finds which can be found here: Kitsch n Quirky from members of one of the ArtFire Guilds I belong to who also have a Facebook group On Fire For Handmade

Here's a snapshot of the collection, but click on the link above or the caption for the photo so you can see the fun items I found more clearly, you won't be disappointed!

Kitsch n Quirky Collection on ArtFire